Hogyan tisztítsuk meg a modern kültéri jakuzzi zöldvizét?
2025-03-11 15:353.1 Rendszeresen ellenőrizze a víz minőségétA víz minőségének rendszeres ellenőrzése a kulcsa a tiszta fürdővíz megőrzésének. A modern kültéri jakuzzi vizének pH-értékének, fertőtlenítőszer-koncentrációjának és keménységének hetente történő tesztelése javasolt teszteszközzel, hogy a víz minősége mindig ideális legyen.3.2 Tartsa hatékonyan a vízkezelő rendszert
Rendszeresen tisztítsa és karbantartsa a szűrőrendszert a szűrő hatékonyságának biztosítása érdekében. Tisztítsa meg a jakuzzi fürdőkád szűrőjét legalább havonta egyszer, és szükség szerint cserélje ki a szűrőelemet, hogy elkerülje a baktériumok és algák növekedését.
3.3 Használjon fürdőkádhuzatot vagy napernyőt
A fürdőkádhuzat vagy napernyő használatával hatékonyan csökkenthető a napfény vízminőségre gyakorolt hatása. Különösen nyáron az erős ultraibolya sugárzás felgyorsítja az algák növekedését. A napfény hatásának csökkentésével hatékonyan megelőzhető a zöld jakuzzi kádvíz megjelenése.
3.4 Időben cserélje ki a vízforrást
A modern kültéri jakuzzi vizét a megfelelő vízminőség mellett is rendszeresen cserélni kell. Cserélje ki a vizet 3-4 havonta, hogy a víz tiszta maradjon, és megakadályozza az algák és baktériumok növekedését.
Vásároljon kiváló minőségű gyógyfürdőket a Guangzhou HuanTong Industrial cégtől. Olyan kültéri wellness termékek gyártására specializálódtunk, mint a jacuzzi kádak, úszómedencék és pezsgőfürdők. Üzemünk havi gyártási kapacitása meghaladja az 1200 darabot, ami lehetővé teszi a nagy megrendelések hatékony teljesítését. Vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot, hogy kihasználja akciós árainkat és exkluzív ajánlatainkat.
1.2 Improper water quality management
If the water quality of the jacuzzi bathtub is not effectively managed, especially if the pH value is unbalanced, bacteria and algae in the water will grow rapidly. Too many minerals in the water or an imperfect filtration system will lead to a decrease in water stability. In order to maintain the balance of water quality, it is necessary to regularly add disinfectants, adjust the pH value, and change the water regularly.
1.3 Sunlight exposure and lack of coverage
Modern outdoor jacuzzi is exposed to sunlight, and the ultraviolet rays in the sunlight promote microorganisms in the water, especially algae. If the jacuzzi bathtub is not properly shielded or covered, long-term sunlight exposure will accelerate the reproduction of algae, causing the water to turn green. To reduce this effect, it is recommended to use equipment such as bathtub covers or awnings to prevent direct sunlight from shining on the water surface.
1.4 High temperature environment and high frequency of use
The more frequently the modern outdoor jacuzzi is used, the more likely it is to have water quality problems. Especially in summer, when the water temperature is high and people use it frequently, the organic matter in the water will increase and the water quality will easily deteriorate. If the jacuzzi bathtub water quality is not cleaned in time, microorganisms such as algae will easily multiply quickly and turn the water green.
1.5 Failure of the filtration system
The filtration system of a modern outdoor jacuzzi is an important part of keeping the water clean. If the filter is inefficient or clogged, impurities and organic matter in the water cannot be cleaned in time, which may provide favorable conditions for the reproduction of algae. Even if disinfectants are added regularly and the pH value is adjusted, incomplete filtration of water may still lead to the appearance of green water in the jacuzzi bathtub.
What are the steps to clean green water in a jacuzzi bathtub?
Cleaning green water in a modern outdoor jacuzzi requires careful operation. Here are the basic steps to deal with green water:
2.1 Drain the water and clean the jacuzzi bathtub
Before you start cleaning, you first need to drain the green water in the modern outdoor jacuzzi. After draining, check the inside of the bathtub and thoroughly clean the inner wall and bottom of the bathtub with a suitable detergent. This step is crucial because algae or other microorganisms in the green water may have attached to the surface of the bathtub. If it is not cleaned thoroughly, it may reproduce again later.
● Drain: Close the drain valve of the jacuzzi bathtub and use a drain pump or hose to drain the water.
● Clean the inner wall: Use a cleaner suitable for the surface material of the bathtub, such as a mild multi-purpose cleaner or a special jacuzzi bathtub cleaner, and use a soft cloth or sponge to clean the inner wall and bottom of the bathtub.
● Clean the nozzle and filter: The jacuzzi bathtub nozzle and filter may be a breeding ground for bacteria and algae. Use a soft brush to clean the nozzle and clean the filter to ensure that there are no blockages and dirt.
2.2 Check the water quality and add disinfectant
After cleaning the jacuzzi bathtub, check the water quality and add disinfectant as needed. Common disinfectants include chlorides (chlorine tablets, chlorine liquid) and bromides. Disinfectants can effectively kill bacteria and algae in the water and prevent the water quality from deteriorating again.
● Adjust the pH value: Use pH test paper or a tester to test the pH value of the water and ensure that it is between 7.2 and 7.8. If the water quality is too acidic or alkaline, it needs to be adjusted with an acidic or alkaline regulator respectively.
● Add disinfectant: Add the appropriate amount of disinfectant in proportion to the capacity of the jacuzzi bathtub water and brand recommendations. Normally, the concentration of chlorine should be maintained at 1-3ppm and the concentration of bromine should be maintained at 2-4ppm.
● Activate the water treatment system: Enable the jacuzzi bathtub's filtration system to evenly distribute and circulate the disinfectant in the water.
2.3 Use algae remover
If the green water is caused by algae, it is very effective to use a special algae remover. Algae removers can quickly break down algae in modern outdoor jacuzzi water and reduce their impact on water quality.
● Choose the right algae remover: Choose an algae remover suitable for the jacuzzi bathtub and use it according to the dosage recommended in the instructions.
● Pour into the bathtub: Add the algae remover to the bathtub and start the filtration system to evenly distribute the chemical composition in the water. It should be noted that some algae removers may take some time to work.
2.4 Rinse the filtration system
The filtration system is a key part of jacuzzi bathtub water quality management. Therefore, in the process of cleaning the bathtub, special attention should be paid to the maintenance of the filtration system. Cleaning the filter can remove excess impurities in the water and ensure the water quality is clean.
● Clean the filter: Depending on the type of filter, regularly disassemble and clean or replace the filter. Rinse with clean water to remove accumulated dirt and impurities to ensure that the filtration system can operate efficiently.
● Check the status of the filter element: If a replaceable filter element is used, check whether the filter element is aged or blocked, and replace it with a new one if necessary.
2.5 Add water and reset the temperature
After cleaning, add water to the jacuzzi bathtub and adjust the water temperature to a suitable range. Generally, the water temperature of the jacuzzi bathtub should be maintained between 38-40 degrees Celsius. Too high or too low a temperature will affect the user experience.
● Add water: Use a clean water source to add water to the bathtub, and make sure the water level does not exceed the maximum capacity of the bathtub.
● Set the temperature: Set the temperature of the jacuzzi bathtub to the ideal range to ensure comfort the next time you use it.
How to prevent green water in modern outdoor jacuzzi?
Although cleaning green water can restore the normal use of jacuzzi bathtub, preventing green water from occurring is obviously a more effective solution. Here are some effective preventive measures to help keep the water quality of jacuzzi bathtub clear and healthy.
3.1 Check water quality regularly
Checking water quality regularly is the key to maintaining clear bathtub water. It is recommended to use a test tool to test the pH value, disinfectant concentration and hardness of modern outdoor jacuzzi water every week to ensure that the water quality is always in ideal condition.
3.2 Keep the water treatment system working effectively
Clean and maintain the filter system regularly to ensure the efficiency of the filter. Clean the jacuzzi bathtub filter at least once a month and replace the filter element as needed to avoid the growth of bacteria and algae.
3.3 Use a bathtub cover or sunshade
Using a bathtub cover or sunshade can effectively reduce the impact of sunlight on water quality. Especially in summer, strong ultraviolet rays accelerate the growth of algae. By reducing sunlight exposure, the occurrence of green jacuzzi bathtub water can be effectively prevented.
3.4 Replace water source in time
Even if the water quality is properly managed, the water in modern outdoor jacuzzi needs to be replaced regularly. Replace the water every 3-4 months to keep the water clean and prevent the growth of algae and bacteria.
Buy high-quality spas from Guangzhou HuanTong Industrial. We specialize in manufacturing outdoor wellness products such as Jacuzzi bathtubs, swim spas, and hot tubs. Our factory’s monthly production capacity exceeds 1200 units, allowing us to fulfill large orders efficiently. Contact us to take advantage of our promotional prices and exclusive deals.
Bár a zöldvíz tisztítása visszaállíthatja a jakuzzi kád normál használatát, a zöldvíz előfordulásának megakadályozása nyilvánvalóan hatékonyabb megoldás. Íme néhány hatékony megelőző intézkedés, amelyek segítenek megőrizni a jacuzzi kád vízminőségét tisztán és egészségesen.